Quick Guides, Checklists, & Other Materials

Here are extensive free resources for individuals diagnosed with cancer, caregivers, and health care professionals, on the legal and practical issues that may arise after a diagnosis. Under each category, you can access our free animated videosQuick Guides & Checklistsstate laws, and other resources that may be helpful. While all of our free resources are tailored for the cancer community, many are also applicable to anyone with a serious medical condition, or the general public.

Below are Quick Guides, Checklists, Worksheets, and other materials offer legal and practical education about health insurance, finances and financial toxicity, cancer and work, disability insurance, estate planning and medical decision making, and much more. While these materials are designed for individuals diagnosed with cancer, caregivers, and health care professionals, they are helpful to anyone with a serious medical condition, or anyone who wants to learn about their rights.

Resources By Topic

A jar of coins sit with a sticky note that says "Health Insurance"
Health Insurance

Understanding how to choose and use your health insurance is important to access care and manage your finances, especially after being diagnosed with a serious medical condition like cancer.

The word "Medicare" is written on a tiny chalk board with a stethoscope surrounding it.

Learn about the different “parts” of Medicare, how to get help paying for it, when to sign up and make changes to your coverage, and how to pick the right plan for your needs!


These free materials and resources will help you understand if you qualify for Medicaid, how to apply, the different Medicaid programs, and more!

A yellow paper family stands under a blue umbrella that says "Disability Insurance"
Disability Insurance

If you need to take time off work, disability insurance may replace lost wages. Learn how disability insurance works, how to appeal a denial of benefits, and more.

A person dressed in a work clothes holds a yellow construction hat
Work & Cancer

Wondering how to work through treatment or take time off and pay for it? How to navigate the workplace after a cancer diagnosis?

A stack of $100 and $500 bills sit on top of a piece of paper that says Budget
Navigating Finances

Cancer is expensive. Learn about financial toxicity, how to avoid it, how to manage medical bills, and much more.

A red feather pen sits in a cup of ink.
Estate Planning

These resources will help you understand and complete the legal documents that can make up an estate plan, including wills, trusts, advance health care directives, and powers of attorney for financial affairs.

A wooden gavel sits on a table with law books and the scales of justice faded in the background
Cancer-Related Legal Issues

What’s legal about cancer? A lot! Individuals diagnosed with cancer and their caregivers may face a number of legal issues in areas like housing, education, and genetics.

The U.S. Capitol with the bright blue sky in the background

There are many ways to be an advocate! Our cancer advocacy resources provide information and tools to help individuals diagnosed with cancer, their caregivers, and health care professionals become empowered advocates.

A young man helps his elderly father put on a jacket

Learn about the legal protections, benefits, and resources at the federal, state, and local levels that may be helpful to caregivers.

Military Veteran Family
Military & Veterans

Learn about the specific benefits, programs, and resources available to members of the U.S. Military and U.S. Veterans that may be useful after a cancer diagnosis.

Stress Management

Stress is a normal part of life. How you cope with that stress can impact your physical and emotional health. Coping with stress has two aspects: stress awareness and stress management.

A woman looks out a window
Psychosocial Care

Psychosocial care involves attending to the emotional, psychological, social, spiritual, and practical needs and wishes of individuals diagnosed with cancer and their caregivers.

A nurse in blue scrubs helps a patient get out of bed
Medical Care

When diagnosed with cancer, individuals will need to make decisions about their medical care. These free resources will help you navigate medical care during and after cancer treatment, and when it comes to managing side effects.

A scientist works in a lab
Clinical Trials

What’s a clinical trial? What does it cost? We’ll explain all this and more so you can make informed choices about what is best for you.

A pair of red weights sit next to a bright green apple.
Exercise & Nutrition

Proper nutrition and adequate physical activity are important for individuals diagnosed with cancer. However, there is a lot of information out there and it can be challenging to separate fact from fiction. We’re here to help.

Hands stacked on top of each other

Recursos en español. A keyboard key that says Hablas Espanol

Recursos en español

Guías rápidas, listas de verificación, seminarios web, y más, ¡todos disponibles en español!

Keyboard keys in bright colors with the word Hello in different languages

Resources in other Languages

Explore resources for the cancer community in multiple languages from Triage Cancer and our partners.


Cancer Finances

Cancer is expensive. These materials will teach you about avoiding financial toxicity, managing debt, paying for prescriptions, finding financial help, and more. Don’t forget to check out our free Finances Resource Hub, and visit, an interactive toolkit for navigating finances after cancer.

Financial Big Picture 

Checklist: Avoiding Financial Toxicity

Quick Guide to Managing Debt

Quick Guide to Managing Medical Bills

Quick Guide to Getting & Paying for Prescription Drugs

Quick Guide to Managing Student Loans

Quick Guide to Taxes and Disability & Retirement Benefits

Quick Guide to Charity Care Programs

Quick Guide to Crowdfunding

Quick Guide to Bankruptcy

Quick Guide to Accessing Mental Health Care

Checklist: Finding Financial Help

Checklist: Finding Help as a Parent with Cancer

Medical Bill Tracker 


There are many ways to be an advocate for the cancer community. These Quick Guides will teach you about the spectrum of advocacy, legislative advocacy, scientific advocacy, and media advocacy. Don’t forget to check out our Cancer Advocacy Resource Hub for even more free resources on engaging in cancer advocacy.

Disability Insurance

If you have been diagnosed with cancer and are undergoing treatment, you may find that you are no longer able to work and earn a living the same way that you were before your diagnosis. These Quick Guides will explain the different kinds of disability insurance, when benefits will start, tips for applying and appealing denials of coverage, and things to consider when you are getting disability benefits. For access to all of our free disability insurance resources, see our Disability Insurance Resource Hub.

Estate Planning

These Quick Guides and Checklists will help you understand and complete the legal documents that can make up an estate plan, including wills, trusts, advance health care directives, and powers of attorney for financial affairs. For detailed estate planning information in your state, including all of the forms you need, see our State-Specific Estate Planning Toolkit! For all of our free estate planning resources, see our Estate Planning Resource Hub.

Triage Cancer Estate Planning Quick Guides and Checklists

Health Insurance

Understanding how to choose and use your health insurance is important to access care and manage your finances, especially after being diagnosed with a serious medical condition like cancer. These Quick Guides, Checklists, and Worksheets, will get you started on the right path! For more free information, see our Health Insurance Resource Hub and our Navigating Health Care Resource Hub.

Triage Cancer Health Insurance Quick Guides & Checklists

Choosing & Navigating Health Insurance

Options When Losing Insurance at Work


Medicaid & Medicare


These free materials will teach you about the different parts of Medicare, how to pay for it, how to pick a plan that best meets your needs, enrollment periods, and more! For more free information, see our Medicare Materials & Resources.

Work & Cancer

Wondering how to work through treatment or take time off and pay for it? How to navigate the workplace after a cancer diagnosis, or what you have to tell an employer about your medical condition? Are you a caregiver? These Quick Guides and Checklists will teach you about the laws designed to protect you, and how to use them most effectively. Don’t forget to check out our Work & Cancer Resource Hub for access to all of our free resources.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

Family & Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

Disclosure, Paid Leave, & Other Topics

Other Cancer-Related Topics

Individuals diagnosed with cancer and their caregivers may face a number of legal and practical issues in areas like housing, education, genetics, fertility preservation, and medical marijuana, among other topics. We also have dedicated information for members of the LGBTQ+ community, and veterans, For more free legal and practical resources, visit our Cancer-Related Legal Issues Resource Hub.

Quick Guides


Materials for Health Care Professionals

These Quick Guides and Checklists were designed specifically with health care professionals in mind. Did you know that the majority of our events offer free continuing education for health care professionals? And our comprehensive Insurance & Finance Intensive is designed just for you!

Recursos en español

Para más materiales educativos en español, visite:

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